Tap into the Convenience and Power of the RAC App

With the RAC app on your phone, you can easily access club information sources like the Live Group Fitness Class Schedule, the RAC Website, and the Schedule of Activities. In addition, the app provides new ways to communicate with club groups and friends, as well as powerful new tools to support and improve your club experience.


Getting Started with the RAC App

Within a couple days of joining the club, new members will receive an email which invites them to set up their RAC app account and to download the free RAC app. To automatically be invited, you must be over 13 and you must have had a unique email address set up on your club account.
If you are an existing member and you would like to receive the invitation to get started, please email RACapp@racmn.com. Provide first name, last name, and a unique email address for each person on your membership account for which you would like us to create a RAC app account. The email address is used to sign in and will also be set up as the individual's club email address.
There is a lot of function which comes with the app. Even more power becomes available when you set up some additional free apps and accounts. See the directions under the individual screen tiles below to guide you through the set up. Also, check out our FAQ section near the bottom of the page if you have other questions. If you find that you need additional assistance, please email the RAC App Administrator.

The RAC App Home Screen Tiles



Display today’s Live Group Fitness Class Schedule or the EGYM Onboarding sign up schedule by selecting the desired "Schedule" and then selecting "Show Results". 

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EGYM Fit for Life

After you have attended your EGYM onboarding appointment you can sign in through this tile to access your EGYM account.

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Member Login

Log in here to see your account info, buy packages, sign up for classes, set up lessons and trainings, reserve courts and more online. Learn here about Empower M.E. and how to set up your account.

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RAC Website

If you are reading this, you are already finding club information on the website. Now with your RAC app, you have a quick link to website information whenever you want it.

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EatLove - Nutrition

EatLove is our new nutrition app and will fit you with a personalized nutrition plan for your unique goals and lifestyle. It also provides smart meal recommendations, recipes and more to support healthy nutrition.

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Current Usage

This tile will bring up the club's "Current Usage" meter which shows how full the club is in real time.

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RAC Perks

You can view RAC Perks point “Earning Activities” and the “Perks” available. If you have a RAC Perks account set up, you can view your account balance and redeem perks. Learn here how to get started if you have not set up your account.

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Preva (app)

If you have a Preva account set up for tracking your workouts on the Precor cardio machines on the Fitness Floor, you can also sign into that account through the Preva app.  Learn here how to set up the app.

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Fitness Trackers

You can set up your fitness tracking device that uses Apple Health or Google Fit to input information into the RAC app. You can also connect to your Fitbit. Learn here how to set up your device.

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Challenges can help you focus on reaching your goals, sometimes with the additional benefit of gaining prizes! Learn here how to participate in club challenges or set up your own personal challenge.

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This is a great tool to help plan and check off your workouts. Watch animations to remind you of exercises and proper form or read exercise notes left by you or your trainer. Learn here how to use this powerful feature.

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Download this app in order to listen to cable channels through your mobile phone (with headphones). Great for using with the large TVs on the Fitness Floor.

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Chart and view your progress in areas important to you. What gets measured gets done. Learn how to unlock the power of progress tracking.

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My Activity Calendar

This provides a convenient calendar view that allows you to see your plans and enter your workouts and activities. Replace paper workouts! Learn more here and under the Workouts tile.

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Become PRO

This tile in the app notifies us to activate a PRO account subscription. For a small monthly fee you gain access to exclusive features and content like streaming video classes and audio meditations. You also get access to PRO groups and challenges and access to 100+ workout plans.

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Fitness On Demand (app)

Once set up, this will display the Virtual class schedule in the Upper, Lower or Cycle Studios. Learn here how to set up the app and some important tips on using the schedule.

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Your Personal Dashboard

The bottom tray of icons on your RAC app home screen allow you to communicate with club groups and friends and also provide a quick place to keep tabs on your plan and current status:

  • The Plan and Performance icons provide easy ways to view your information if you are taking part in tracking your nutrition, workouts, activities or other factors within the app.
  • The Community icon allows you to communicate with groups and other members. Learn more under the Community FAQ below.
  • The Account icon allows you to see some basic information about your profile and also shows club hours. You can adjust your settings by selecting the settings icon at the top of the screen. Learn more under the Settings FAQ below.

Dashboard image


When you select the "Community" icon in the bottom dashboard tray of icons you will see the Community screen. It has three main sections. The top section is Groups, the middle section is “Write a post”, and the bottom section is your Stream.


At the top of the Community screen you will see the groups that you are currently in. The RAC Club Notifications group is a special group that every member is initially in. It is used to communicate important information about the club (for example a weather closing or late start). 

To join a group:

  1. Select “Explore Groups”.
  2. Select a new group from the list. You will then see a description telling you the purpose of the group and you may see group postings as well.
  3. Some groups may allow you to select to Join Group and you are automatically added.
  4. Other groups may ask that you select to Ask Permission to Join. In this case a group leader must still see and accept your request before you are added to the group.
  5. Once you have joined a group you may be able to post, comment on a post, or not post at all depending on how the group is set up to work.

To post to a group:

For iPhone and iPad:

  1. Select a group you are in from the list.
  2. If postings to the group are allowed you will see a "pencil" icon you can select.
  3. You can then type your post and even attach a photo.
  4. To send the post select the "check mark" icon.

For Android devices:

  1. Select a group you are in from the list.
  2. If postings to the group are allowed you will see a “message balloon” icon that you can select.
  3. You can then type your post and even attach a photo.
  4. To send the select the "arrowhead" icon.

To leave a group (completely quit a group you are in):

  1. Select the group.
  2. Select the “three dots” icon at the top right of the screen. 
  3. Select the option to “Leave group”.



 To find your friends:

  1. On the Community screen select the search “magnifying glass” icon in the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. You are now on the member Search screen. For Android devices you will need to select the search “magnifying glass” icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  3. Type in the display name of the friend you want to find in the box that appears at the top of your screen. You may need to ask your friend what their display name is (as it may not be their first or last name) in order to find them. Learn where a person can see or change their own display name in the Settings FAQ.
  4. As you type it will search automatically (it may take a few seconds) and if a match comes up you can select the person to see what is on their Fit Profile page. This page shows the information which they want to share about themselves. It may include their stream and their accomplishments.
  5. If their Fit Profile is set to private  you will see very little information. 
  6. If their Fit Profile is set to be public you can see the information about them that is allowed by their Privacy settings. You also may be allowed to follow or message them depending on their settings. Learn more about Privacy settings in the Settings FAQ.

To follow a friend:

Connecting and sharing information with your friends within the app becomes easy when you select to follow them.

  1. On the Community screen select the search “magnifying glass” icon in the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. Search to find your friend and then select them to go to their Fit Profile page. If they allow followers you will see a “+ FOLLOW” option right below their name.
  3. Once you have selected to follow them, depending on their Privacy settings, you may be able to communicate and share more with them within the app. 

To message someone from their Fit Profile:  

  1. Depending on the person’s Privacy settings, you may be able to message others with the RAC app by searching to find them and going to their Fit Profile page (see “To find your friends” section above).
  2. If it is offered, on iPhone or iPad select the "pencil" icon, on Android devices select the “message balloon” icon. 

To message a friend you are following (a short cut):

For iPhone and iPad:

  1. On the Community screen, select “Write a post”.
  2. Select the drop down indicator near the top of the screen and select to "Post to a friend".
  3. Your friend will be in the list shown if they allow messages.
  4. Select their display name and then write your note.
  5. To send your message select the "check mark" icon in the upper right of the screen.

 For Android devices:

  1. On the Community screen, select “Write a post”.
  2. Select the drop down indicator near the top of the screen and select to “Motivate a friend” .
  3. Your friend will be in the list shown if they allow messages.
  4. Select their display name and then write your note.
  5. To send your message select the “arrowhead” icon at the top of the screen.



Your stream shows what you have been doing within the RAC app. The more you use the app the more you will see information in your stream about your activities including accomplishments, messages, and group postings. You can even use your stream as a way to blog about your experiences by posting messages and pictures to your stream.

To post to your stream:

For iPhone and iPad:

  1. On the Community screen, select “Write a post”.
  2. At the top of the screen select "Post on my Timeline". You can type in your post and even add a picture.
  3. Select the "check mark" icon to make the post to your stream.

For Android devices:

  1. On the Community screen, select “Write a post”.
  2. At the top of the screen select "My stream". You can type in your post and even add a picture.
  3. Select the "arrowhead" icon to make the post to your stream.

Settings are found under “Account” icon in the bottom dashboard tray of icons. Select this icon and then the “gear” icon at the top right of the screen to see the Settings screen.


The goal here is to highlight some settings. Both types of devices offer mainly the same settings. On an Android Device select "Profile" to see the Personal Information & Privacy section, and select "Notifications" to see the the Notifications & Reminders section.

Personal Information & Privacy section –  Lets you adjust the following: 

  • Username  This is your Display Name.
  • Email  This is your contact email if you are receiving emails from the app. Changing it does not change your sign in email.
  • Basic personal information.
  • Units of measure.
  • Privacy Settings: Go to the Privacy Settings heading below for help in setting these.

Notifications & Reminders Lets you select if you will get push notifications from the RAC app.

  • Enable Notifications (iPhone or iPad) or Notifications (Android devices) – This allows you to turn all push notifications off at once. If left on, you can then choose when you want to receive push notifications for specific occurrences.
  • Vibrate (Android devices)– This will allow you to select whether you want your device to vibrate with a new push notification.
  • Note: The “Event booking or cancellation” option is not tied into our club computer sign up software so it will not notify you if you are signed up for a club event.
  • Reminders – This will allow you to select if you want a push notification reminder about your next workout (all devices) or  a break reminder (iPhone and iPad). You can select when you will receive the notification.

Rest Periods – Allows you to set the rest periods between sets and exercises.

Tooltips – Allows you to turn off the tips which appear within the main RAC app.

Audio – Allows you to turn off or on sounds heard when playing a workout.

Sync – Syncs your RAC app with the RAC app website.

Log out  Logs you out of the RAC app.



To find the Privacy settings, on the Settings Screen:

  • (iPhone and iPad) Select "Manage Privacy Settings".
  • (Android devices) Select "Profile" and then "Manage Privacy Settings"at the bottom of your screen.

You will now see the Privacy settings. These settings mostly define with whom you will share your app information. A few important notes:

  • These can be very confusing, so we have provided a clear question for each setting that describes what you are setting.
  • The RAC app website has different names for several of the settings. These names are in parenthesis. They adjust the same things.
  • Select on the name of the setting to see the options.
  • "Followers of followers" would be the followers of people who follow you, so kind of friends of friends.
  • "Anyone in my community" means anyone in our club.

Visible Name

What is used for your visible name that shows for others on your Fit Profile, posts and stream?

Fit Profile

Who can see your Fit Profile which shows your progress, activities, challenges, awards and posts?

Can post on my Fit Profile and follow me (Can send you messages and buddy invites)

Who can follow you and post messages on your Fit Profile?

Progress Pictures

Who can see your progress pictures? Progress pictures can be uploaded to and viewed on your Fit Profile on the RAC app website only.

Nutrition updates and awards (Nutrition)

Who can see updates on your stream about the Nutrition plan you set and the Nutrition awards that you got rewarded?

Progress achievements and challenges (Progress graphs and challenges)

Who can see updates on your stream about the progress you made, challenges you participate in and awards you received with those challenges?

Followers (Buddies)

Who can follow you?

Activities (Exercises)

Who can see updates on your stream about the activities that you logged in your activity calendar?


Do you want your entry to be shown on the Club Leaderboard? The Club Leaderboard is only seen through the RAC app website. It shows how you’re doing compared to others with regards to Fitness Points, kcal burned and minutes spent working out. The "Visible for everyone" option allows people at clubs other than ours to see your leaderboard entry.

You can set your profile picture by selecting the “Account” icon in the dashboard tray and then selecting the circle picture by your name at the top of the screen. You can then select to Take picture or Pick from a gallery (or library) on your device.

How to be invited:

  • If you are an existing member and you would like to receive the invitation to get started, please email RACapp@racmn.com. Provide first name, last name, and a unique email address.
  • An email invitation will then be sent once your email is processed. The invitation includes a link to create a RAC app account and download the app.
  • You can provide multiple people's information on your membership within one email if you want others on your membership to be set up.

Who has received an invitation for the RAC app:

  • When we first introduced the app, an email invitation was sent to all active club members 13 and older that had a unique email address set up on their RAC club account.
  • As new members join the club they are sent an email invitation for each individual 13 and older with a unique email address set up on their club account.

When you were first invited to the RAC app with an email, you were provided a link to set up your account and then download the app. If you have your account set up, you can download the app on another device and sign in.


  1. Find the RAC app in the App Store. Search for Rochester Athletic Club (MN).
  2. Select the “cloud” icon to download. Once it has installed, you will see an option to “OPEN”.
  3. Select “OPEN”.
  4. Select to “Allow” notifications.
  5. Enter your RAC app login that you set up when you created your RAC app account. Select “Log in”.
  6. Select “Continue”.
  7. Enter your birth date, height and weight. Select “Done”.
  8. You are now on the RAC app home screen.


  1. Find the RAC app in the Google Play Store. Search for Rochester Athletic Club (MN). Click here for a direct link. 
  2. You will see several similar options to download. Select the one that ends in “(MN)”.
  3. Select to “INSTALL”. Once it has installed, you will see an option to “OPEN”.
  4. Select to “OPEN”.
  5. Enter your RAC app login that you set up when you created your RAC app account. Select “Log in”.
  6. Select the right arrow button to continue.
  7. Select individual lines to enter your birth date, height and weight. You can select “Next” in the keypad to move from entry to entry. When you have entered all, select “Done” in the keypad. Select the “check mark” icon to go to the next screen.
  8. You are now on the RAC app home screen.

On the RAC app sign on screen there is a "Forgot your password" option that will allow you to reset your password. You must know which email address you used when you set up your RAC app account. If you do not know the email you used, please contact the RAC App Administrator for assistance.

Guests are not able to access the RAC app. Guests are encouraged to use the racmn.com website if they wish to access the Group Fitness Schedules and other information about the club.

Fitness points are not directy tied into our RAC Perks points system. However, we may have contests based on Fitness points which could be rewarded with RAC Perks points or prizes in general. Fitness points are based on your activity and participation within the RAC app.

There is a RAC app website  where you can use many of the tools that are available through the app. Sign in using your regular RAC app login information. This website is especially helpful if you prefer to have a desktop computer view and want to use a full size keyboard for entering your workouts or nutrition plans.

Once you sign in to the RAC app website, initially you are brought to the home screen where you will see a Top Black Bar across your screen and just below it a white bar that has a number of Tabs (headings).


These tab options are a little bit like the online version of your personal dashboard (especially when you add in clicking on your first name in the top black bar to see your profile page).

Start – Shows any current RAC Club Notifications.

  • If you click on the sliding pictures you will be taken to the destination listed.
  • You can return to this Start tab at any time by clicking on the RAC logo directly above it in the top black bar.
  • The Members list at the bottom right shows members that are online with the green triangle in the top left corner. All Rochester Athletic Club members are automatically made “PRO” members. Although members are listed here, there is no option to search. See the Members tab below for help searching.

Leaderboard  Shows the current leaders in Fitness points for the club. Totals are accumulated for each month and then set to back to zero at the beginning of the next month. You can also view the “Overall” point total. This leaderboard can only be viewed through the RAC app website.

Challenges – Allows you to search and filter for Challenges, and will initially show club challenges if any are active. You can also add a personal challenge by selecting “Add challenge”. You can only create a personal challenge through the RAC app website (not available in RAC app).

Groups – See the club groups. Select a group to learn more about it, or to see recent posts if you have joined the group.

Members – Search for your friends if you know their display name. This name sometimes is not related to their first or last name so you may need to ask them.

  • Search on at least 3 characters of their display name. (Note: if you did just search on 3 characters, it would return a result if those 3 characters are found anywhere in the display name.)
  • You will not need to set the Country to find members at the club.
  • Once you have found the member you can select them to see their profile page. A person can choose what is available to be seen on their profile page in their settings.

Contact – shows the Rochester Athletic Club contact information. Also shows our open hours and members. It is easier to search for members using the Members tab (see above).

Support – Offers some additional information resources, some of which are not tailored directly to a member using our app.



RAC Logo – Takes you back to the Start tab.

“9 Squares” icon – This shows your “menu” of apps available through the desktop. You can select these apps much like you can select the corresponding home screen tiles on the RAC app. Note that Body Metrics corresponds to the Progress tile function on the RAC app home screen.

“Your first name” – Your name shows your Fit Profile page. It will bring up your personal view of your page with all of your information on it. You can select what parts of the page others can see by adjusting your settings (see below and in the Settings FAQ).

“Drop down arrow” icon – This will allow you to view information about your account. You can select:

  • Inbox – to see the private messages you have received. Once there you can also select to create a New message or to view your Sent messages.
  • Account Settings  (see the next section to learn about Account Settings)



You can get to the account settings by selecting the "drop down arrow" icon in the top black bar. The account settings are similar to what you can set through the mobile app. There are a few added options and slight differences in terminology that can be confusing, but it is often changing the same information and settings as the app. A couple of quick notes:

Email settingsAllows you to adjust when you receive emails from the RAC app. The RAC app website is the only place you can adjust these email settings. They do not affect Push Notification settings. Those are set in the RAC App (see Settings FAQ).

Email and password – Changing your email address will change where emails coming from the app are sent, but will not change the email you use to sign in to the app.

Privacy – These Privacy settings mostly define with whom you will share your app information. Go to the Settings FAQ to learn what the settings mean

Connections – Allows you set up your Fitbit to feed information into the RAC app.

Current Usage:

Club Hours:

Monday - Friday: 5:00 am - 10:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm

View Current Club Details